Recognizing Drug Reactions (Part-3)

Written by on December 16, 2015 in Homeopathy with 0 Comments

It is common knowledge that many allopathic drugs have side effects. This information can be found in books such as “Pocket Guide to Prescription Drugs”.  When a patient, who has been under allopathic care for a long time, comes to a homeopath, there is a good chance that he will exhibit symptoms caused by the allopathic drug(s). Most homeopaths know about the effects and side-effects of popular allopathic drugs, but it is possible that the patient has been taking a drug they are not familiar with. Why is this knowledge important? Knowing whether a symptom truly reflects the disease of the patient or is a side-effect of a drug will influence the treatment plan. In some cases, the doctor will advise stopping an allopathic drug immediately, or will ask the patient to continue the allopathic medication in conjunction with homeopathic remedy, gradually tapering off the dosage of the allopathic drug.

iCure has a database of drugs and their side effects, all mapped to the built-in repertory. So when a patient’s rubrics are entered and the case repertorized, iCure will automatically show if any of the rubrics could be traced to an allopathic drug.

iCure drugs info

iCure drugs info


You can also browse the various drugs and their side effects.


Drug effects

Drug effects


To the extent I have searched, I have not found this information supported in other homeopathic programs. I personally felt this information would prove useful to a homeopath and hence took great pains to compile this information and integrate it with the repertory.



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