Archive for February, 2016

Using Cellular Automata to Generate Music

Written by on February 28, 2016 in LISP, Music, Programming with 0 Comments
Using Cellular Automata to Generate Music

Cellular automata are a powerful computational formalism. Stephen Wolfram’s book A New Kind of Science provides a thorough study of these devices. Not surprisingly, Wolfram Mathematica has great support for working with them. For example, the following figure shows the evolution of Rule 30 over 50 steps, plotted using ArrayPlot function (in Mathematica): Using cellular automata for […]

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Natural Language Representation of Rubrics in iCure (Part 5)

Written by on February 19, 2016 in Homeopathy with 0 Comments
Natural Language Representation of Rubrics in iCure (Part 5)

Homeopathic repertories use a stylised, structured representation of symptoms in the form of rubrics. This representation makes it easier to search for a rubric. This format has been carried over to the computer repertories too. I feel that representing rubrics in the natural text form would often make it easier to understand the meaning of […]

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Organum in Music

Written by on February 6, 2016 in LISP, Music, Programming with 0 Comments
Organum in Music

When two or more voices in a song follow the same rhythm and move by the same interval, thus causing a parallel motion of the voices, it is referred to as Organum. Depending on the intervals between the voices, this can give rise to a rich and interesting effect. For today’s experiment, I decided to […]

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