Book Review – Homeopathic Remedy Pictures

Written by on February 20, 2017 in Book Review, Homeopathy with 0 Comments

Title: Homeopathic Remedy Pictures – The 65 most important remedies in words and pictures

Author: Vicki Mathison and Frans Kusse

Publisher: Narayana Verlag

Year: 2014

This is a great book that will appeal to all beginners in homeopathy. Experienced doctors might not finding anything new, but would definitely find it interesting to read. We know that a deep study of Materia Medica is absolutely essential in order to become a successful homeopath, but we are also aware that this can be a daunting task. In fact, in homeopathy colleges, professors who teach materia media in a lively and easy-to-understand manner are adored by students. Many students initially feel that it is a dry, boring subject that they must learn by rote! Later, as they start their practice, they realise how valuable it is to be able to differentiate between multiple seemingly indicated remedies in a case to select the single remedy that fits the case at that point in time. Repertories, especially the computer repertories, can ease this process a little bit, but we still have to have a deep understanding of various remedies to successfully cure a case.

OK, let us get back to this book. In the book, the authors Vicki Mathison and Frans Kusse describe 65 common remedies – from Aconite to Tuberculinum – in an engaging and colourful manner (literally so, with lovely pictures)! Each remedy is covered under the following heads:

– Origin

– Key features

– Children

– Physical characteristics

– Nutrition

– Signs and indications

The Origin section briefly describes the history of the remedy. The next section gives the essence and is very useful to get a broad picture of the remedy. The section on Children can come in handy when you handle paediatric cases. Children can be difficult patients to treat and often a remedy manifests slightly differently in a child compared to an adult. Such differences must be keenly sought out in a case for obtaining best results. The remaining sections in each chapter lucidly portray the other essential facets of the remedy.

The authors devote exactly four pages to each of the remedies, with two pages of text and two pages of illustrations.This format makes the book very easy to understand and follow. At the end of the book, there is even an abridged Repertory section, which can save valuable time if you are quickly searching for a set of remedies that fit a case.

After going through this book, you will better appreciate classical texts such as Herings’ Guiding Symptoms, Vithoulkas’ Materia Medica Viva, and Kent’s Lectures on Homoeopathic Materia Medica.

Overall, it is a good book to have on your desk. I strongly recommend it!

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