Archive for September, 2018

In the last post, I outlined an approach to convert a dependency graph (the result of dependency parsing) to RDF. The particular RDF format I used is Turtle, which is widely supported. Today, I would like to show how to load this RDF data in a Semantic Graph database and make queries on it. There […]

Dependency parsing is widely used these days, and many NLP tools give a dependency graph as the parsed representation of the input text. See for example, SpacY and TextRazor. The following is the dependency tree corresponding to the sentence Mary is drinking cold water: The above tree was generated using SpacY. You can see that […]

Recently I came across a nice Lisp-based Monadic Parser Combinator library written by Massung. Unlike the traditional parser generators such as ANTLR, this library allows us to embed the parser in Lisp. Similar libraries are available for other languages too (see, for example ParsecJ for Java). The original idea of Monadic parser is from Haskell’s Parsec […]
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