Archive for February, 2020

Automatically Converting Active Voice to Passive Voice and Vice Versa

Written by on February 16, 2020 in Natural Language Processing, Programming, Prolog with 0 Comments
Automatically Converting Active Voice to Passive Voice and Vice Versa

The iLexicon system can handle active/passive voice conversion of fairly complex English sentences. I gave examples of the underlying verb conjugation mechanism in this article and this one. Today, I am going to give examples of the conversion of complete sentences. Here is an example of active to passive voice conversion: The above is a snapshot […]

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Verb Conjugations in Passive Voice

Written by on February 2, 2020 in Natural Language Processing, Prolog with 0 Comments
Verb Conjugations in Passive Voice

In my earlier article, I showed how the iLexicon system can generate verb conjugations based on <Verb, Tense, Person, Number> quadruple. For the 16 tense forms discussed in that article, the verb conjugations were generated in “active” voice.  We all know that “transitive” verbs can be expressed in both “active” and “passive” voice. For example, […]

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