Archive for January, 2021

Using L-System to Generate Music

Written by on January 31, 2021 in LISP, Music, Programming with 0 Comments
Using L-System to Generate Music

L-system is a powerful string rewriting system. Opusmodus supports an implementation of this system (inspired by and based on this implementation). It is possible to use the L-system to generate anything that can be described in terms of an alphabet and a set of rewriting rules.  Let us start with a simple example: As you can see, there are […]

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C++20 [[nodiscard]] Attribute

Written by on January 17, 2021 in C++, Programming with 0 Comments
C++20 [[nodiscard]] Attribute

[[nodiscard]] attribute “encourages” the compiler to issue a warning when the return value from a function is ignored. It was introduced in C++ 17 and enhanced in C++ 20 to include a string literal that can be used as an explanation of the warning. Let us look at different cases one by one. Case-1: An enumeration […]

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Using JFugue with External DAW

Written by on January 2, 2021 in LISP, Music, Programming with 0 Comments
Using JFugue with External DAW

Let this New Year 2021 bring health and happiness to us all! In the last article, I talked briefly about JFugue and showed how to access it from LispWorks Lisp on a PC running Windows 10. In that example, the music was rendered by the built-in synthesizer. Although this is fine, it is sometimes desirable to […]

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