Archive for June, 2022

C++20 [[no_unique_address]] Attribute

Written by on June 26, 2022 in C++, Programming with 0 Comments
C++20 [[no_unique_address]] Attribute

The [[no_unique_address]] attribute was introduced in C++20 to give a compiler the freedom to optimise memory allocation of a struct/class when it contains a subobject that does not have any members. The other requirement is that the subobject should not be a static member of the enclosing struct/class. Let us start with the basics first. […]

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Definite Clause Grammars in Lisp – Part 4

Written by on June 12, 2022 in LISP, Natural Language Processing, Programming, Prolog with 0 Comments
Definite Clause Grammars in Lisp – Part 4

In a series of articles written earlier, I had shown how it is possible to model Definite Clause Grammars (DCG) in LispWorks Lisp (Enterprise Edition). We use defgrammar in Common Prolog (available as part of KnowledgeWorks package) to define our grammar rules. Here is a toy English grammar represented using defgrammar: This corresponds to the following Prolog […]

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