Archive for July, 2024

Let us continue the discussion of my Intelligent Homeopathy Assistant, officially called “iHomeoMate”. Samual Hahnemann’s Organon of Medicine is the foundation on which the entire edifice of homeopathy is built. Although every homeopath is expected to have a thorough understanding of the principles (“aphorisms”) in the book, it is very engrossing to go through it […]

In the last article I started to write about the Homeopathy application I have built. In particular, I explained the “Compare Remedies” feature that will be useful to homeopaths as part of their prescribing routine. In today’s article, let me go over another feature called “Lab Report Analysis”. This feature allows the doctor to share a […]

I have written extensively about my initial work on developing homeopathy Repertorization software and more recently, on Case Analysis Using RAG and using Semantic Search to find rubrics. As a student of homeopathy, I have been continuously doing research on how to improve the quality of homeopathy case analysis and in particular, how Generative AI can help […]
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