
One of the things I like about Elixir is its support for patterns at the core language level, not through library functions as in most other languages. This contributes to writing cleaner code, in my opinion. Another environment that I am familiar with, namely Mathematica, boasts of (arguably) the most powerful symbolic programming language called […]

In the last article, I showed how to make calls to Lisp functions from Elixir. We followed this pattern: 1) Initialize the Lisp environment by calling Lisp.init 2) Call Lisp functions as needed 3) Free the Lisp environment by calling Lisp.quit Using the powerful macro programming capabilities of Elixir, we can write a simple macro […]

In the last article I showed how we can simulate the idea of Lisp’s “closure” in Elixir. Today, I would like to demonstrate how we can call Lisp functions from Elixir using the NIF interface. What is the need to integrate Elixir with another language? I can think of two reasons: 1) We have a library […]

I started learning Elixir a week ago. Although this has been at the top of my To-do list for quite a while, I couldn’t take it up due to other commitments. I love Elixir. It is a great functional programming language. Having programmed in Lisp for a long time, I immediately noticed the similarity between Lisp […]
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