Knowledge Representation

We all know that ChatGPT has taken the world by storm. True, it is a major advance of Artificial Intelligence in the area of Natural Language Processing. Many may not know that WolframAlpha, launched in 2009, allowed natural language queries. As a long time user of Wolfram Mathematica, I was pleasantly surprised when the product […]

Title: Adventures in Rule-Based Programming – A CLIPS Tutorial Author: Gary Riley Publisher: Secret Society Software, LLC Year: 2022 In an earlier article, I had talked about the relevance of Rule-based systems today. In that article I had also listed a few Rule engines that are popular and widely used. One of them is CLIPS, […]

Before Machine Learning came into the mainstream, Rule-based systems were being used actively to solve complex decision making problems. In fact, Rule engines were considered to be an exotic component of Artificial Intelligence and the systems built using these rule engines were called Expert Systems. I still remember learning to use OPS5 a few decades […]

In my previous post I gave examples of modeling homeopathy remedies using Flora-2. Today I want to show an example from a completely different domain namely, Acupuncture. Acupuncture is an ancient system of Chinese medicine and is practised in many countries. It is based on the principle that our body has several meridians, which are pathways for […]

The idea of encountering different worlds with varying truths is an interesting one. It has deep connections to philosophy and logic. For a nice discussion, see this article. Today, we are going to take advantage of Flora-2‘s module system to simulate possible worlds. Flora-2 allows us to dynamically associate any knowledge base (KB) with any […]

In my last post, I got started with Flora-2 and showed how we can model homeopathic remedies from a therapeutics perspective. Although such a limited view of remedies can be helpful in treating acute ailments, for treating chronic diseases, a comprehensive understanding of the various remedies from the perspective of keynotes, kingdom classification and miasms […]

I am always on the lookout for a good Knowledge Representation (KR) system that facilitates modeling and reasoning about real-world knowledge. I have experience with KnowledgeWorks available in LispWorks since I have used it in a few projects. I have also taken a cursory look at PowerLoom and Racer. Last week, I came across Flora-2 and its commercial counterpart ErgoAI from […]
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