
In an earlier article, I explained how to use OpenAI from Wolfram Mathematica ver 14.1. This latest release of Wolfram supports Semantic Search as well. In today’s article, let me discuss this feature. As in the case of using LLMs, using Semantic Search requires an account with one of the supported vendors. I will continue […]

I had written an earlier article showing how to use OpenAI models from Mathematica ver 14.0. Wolfram Mathematica ver 14.1 was released recently, with several improvements in the area of LLMs. Of course, there are many other core additions as well, but our focus is on LLMs in this article. This version supports many vendors other […]

Mathematica was among the first to integrate with OpenAI. The functionality is nicely exposed in terms of a few pre-defined functions. Let us explore some of the functionality in today’s article. The simplest way to get started is to use LLMSynthesize function: It can take a few seconds before you get the answer. If this is […]

We all know that ChatGPT has taken the world by storm. True, it is a major advance of Artificial Intelligence in the area of Natural Language Processing. Many may not know that WolframAlpha, launched in 2009, allowed natural language queries. As a long time user of Wolfram Mathematica, I was pleasantly surprised when the product […]

In an earlier article, I had shown how it is possible to interact with Mathematica from Julia. In today’s article, I will share the details of how to interact with Julia from within Mathematica. Why would somebody want to execute Julia code inside Mathematica? Although Mathematica is a great symbolic computing environment offering thousands of […]

Extracting meaningful information from unstructured, human readable text is a hot topic of research today and has important applications in many domains. I have written a few blogs related to this topic, for example, see this and this. In today’s article, I would like to show how Mathematica can be a great help when working with […]

One of the things I like about Elixir is its support for patterns at the core language level, not through library functions as in most other languages. This contributes to writing cleaner code, in my opinion. Another environment that I am familiar with, namely Mathematica, boasts of (arguably) the most powerful symbolic programming language called […]

In an earlier article, I had described Python integration in Mathematica 12. In addition to Python, NodeJS is also supported as a default “external” language. In today’s article, I will focus on NodeJS integration. By the way, NodeJS support was introduced in Mathematica 11.2. Before using NodeJS with Mathematica 12, the system must be configured […]

Mathematica has had Python support since ver 11.2 through ExternalEvaluate[]. In ver 11.3 it was possible to input Python expression in a cell by beginning with “>” character. The good news is that Mathematica 12 has significantly enhanced this integration. Python Cells Let us start with the simplest way to use Python code in Mathematica. […]
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