
Algorithmic music composition is one of my favourite areas. And in terms of tools, as several of my past articles show, OpusModus software is the main choice. Recently I have been spending some time checking if ChatGPT could be cajoled into writing some good OpusModus code. But the experience has not been very positive; the code […]

L-system is a powerful string rewriting system. Opusmodus supports an implementation of this system (inspired by and based on this implementation). It is possible to use the L-system to generate anything that can be described in terms of an alphabet and a set of rewriting rules. Let us start with a simple example: As you can see, there are […]

Let this New Year 2021 bring health and happiness to us all! In the last article, I talked briefly about JFugue and showed how to access it from LispWorks Lisp on a PC running Windows 10. In that example, the music was rendered by the built-in synthesizer. Although this is fine, it is sometimes desirable to […]

JFugue is an open-source Java library that can be used for algorithmic music composition. Developed by David Koelle, currently it is in its fifth major version. You can get the library from here. I had downloaded the library some time ago, but could not spend much time since my primary focus has been on Opusmodus. This […]

The recently concluded Black Friday sale by UVI was an irresistible temptation for me and I ended up investing in Falcon 2 and a few other instruments. Although I have the latest versions of Ableton Live, Propellerheads Reason, Renoise, and Reaper, I felt Falcon 2 would be a good addition to my existing collection, mainly because […]

I have recently started implementing a library for algorithmic music composition. It provides higher-level algorithms and abstractions for composing multi-track music, and works with Opusmodus software. Opusmodus is a great platform for music composition and has excellent support for MIDI-based music. My library is an attempt to enrich the Opusmodus platform with features that facilitate easier […]

In mathematics, the simplest example of Random Walk is a random process along a one-dimensional plane of integers, starting at 0 and moving in the positive or negative direction in steps of +1 or -1, with equal probability. The Random Walk theory has been applied in many domains including Physics and even the Stock Market. Here is a […]

I am a great fan of Opusmodus software. I have written many articles about it in the past. Owing to my several other commitments, I am not able to spend much time on it these days, but I keep checking the features in new releases regularly. The software has evolved substantially since its first release a […]

In the previous two posts on this topic, I explained some of the basic pattern matching facilities of Optima library. There are many more advanced features in the library and I will try to discuss them in future posts. In today’s post, I will outline a straightforward application of the library for processing scores in Opusmodus. In […]

In my last post I briefly described how we can use the Screamer Lisp library for constraint programming in music. Another language I have been hearing a lot about, in the context of constraint programming, is Picat, a Prolog-derived language. Although I am familiar with Prolog and have been a user of Sicstus Prolog for many […]
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