
One of the cool things about “newLisp” is that despite its small fooprint, it comes with a lot of functionality built-in. For instance, if you are interested in distributed computing, it is pretty easy to get started. In this article, I will touch upon the net-eval function that allows an expression to be evaluated on a remote […]

Unification between two symbolic expressions involves finding substitutions for variables (if any) in the expressions such that the expressions match after applying the substitutions. This is a powerful idea and is quite common in logic programming languages such as Prolog. Interestingly, “newLisp” has a buil-in function called “unify” that can be used for unifying two expressions. […]

In traditional Lisp (Common Lisp), when evaluating an S-expression list, the first element in the “functor” position must be a function or valid operator. newLisp relaxes this requirement and allows the first element to be a context symbol type, a list, an array, or an integer. For today’s discussion, let us ignore the context symbol, but […]

newLisp is a general-purpose scripting language with a Lisp-like syntax. That is one of the reasons I wanted to take a closer look at the language. It has a compact footprint, small resource requirements, and can easily be embedded. It is available on multiple platforms, and on my Windows machine, the installation has just two […]
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