
Is it possible to build a web application in Python to display (and evaluate) multiple-choice questions? Even more importantly, can we render “latex” equations as part of the MCQ? After briefly looking at NiceGUI, Flet, Solara, Trame, and Streamlit, I decided to go ahead with Streamlit to build this web app. Even though this was […]

In my earlier article, I had explained how natural language text describing a symptom can be converted to a formal “rubric” by using a vector database. In today’s article, I will show how this can be extended to support multiple symptoms in the input text with automatic repertorisation to identify potential remedies. Let us consider […]

In an earlier article I had explained how to execute Python code from within Common Lisp using “CLPython” package. In contrast to that approach, “Hy” is a Lisp-style language (not compatible with Common Lisp) that is embedded in Python and hence provides seamless interoperability with Python code. Installation is straightforward (it is usually a good idea to […]

The zip() function in Python is a convenient mechanism for iterating over multiple “iterables” in parallel. Looping over lists is a common scenario. Here is the output generated by the above code: Common Lisp does not have such a feature built into the language or as part of the standard library. Of course, we have […]

In the previous article, I explored the Deep Categorization capabilities of MeaningCloud. We saw how a powerful rule-based pattern matching language allowed us to map fragments of unstructured text to custom categories. In today’s post, I want to go through spaCy’s pattern matching capabilities. The version I am using is 2.0.13. Some newer features are available […]

Mathematica has had Python support since ver 11.2 through ExternalEvaluate[]. In ver 11.3 it was possible to input Python expression in a cell by beginning with “>” character. The good news is that Mathematica 12 has significantly enhanced this integration. Python Cells Let us start with the simplest way to use Python code in Mathematica. […]

I have been getting some good feedback on Azure’s Computer Vision API, in particular, the OCR functionality. Although I am not working on any project that requires this functionality at the moment, I thought it would be a good idea to check out the service – just to be “future ready”! This article is not […]

Identifying the predominant sentiment in unstructured text is used widely these days. There are several REST API services that allow you to submit a piece of text and get back the corresponding sentiment analysis. Meaningcloud, Aylien, Google’s Cloud Natural Language API, and IBM Natural Language Understanding Service are just a few. Emotion detection, especially from facial […]

According to Stanford NLP Group, “Coreference resolution is the task of finding all expressions that refer to the same entity in a text”. You can also read this Wikipedia page. For example, in the sentence “Tom dropped the glass jar by accident and broke it”, what does “it” refer to? I am sure you will […]

Dependency parsing is widely used these days, and many NLP tools give a dependency graph as the parsed representation of the input text. See for example, SpacY and TextRazor. The following is the dependency tree corresponding to the sentence Mary is drinking cold water: The above tree was generated using SpacY. You can see that […]
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