Archive for September, 2019

We have been taught in school that English language has different “tense” forms. To help you quickly recollect, I am listing them in the table below (the verb ‘sleep’ is used as example): No. Tense Form Example Sentence (3rd Person Singular Pronoun) 1 Simple Present She sleeps 2 Simple Past She slept 3 Simple Future […]

Working with word patterns can be an exciting (and challenging) creative activity. Such patterns come into picture while playing word games, solving word puzzles or even writing poetry. It is precisely to facilitate such tasks that I am building my “iLexicon” system. One popular word game goes like this: The first player utters a word, […]

In an earlier post, I showed how Prolog can be used to generate poetry, making use of my “iLexicon”. I want to continue the discussion today by giving another example, this time based on the theme of sounds emitted by various animals and birds. As hinted in my previous articles, “iLexicon” stands for “Intelligent Lexicon”. […]
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