Archive for February, 2019

Emotion Detection using ParallelDots API

Written by on February 24, 2019 in LISP, Natural Language Processing, Programming with 0 Comments
Emotion Detection using ParallelDots API

Last week, I showed how we can use IBM Natural Language Understanding API to identify emotions from given text. Today, I would like to run through the same examples, but using ParallelDots API service. There are wrappers in Java, Python, Ruby, C#, and PHP for accessing the REST service. However, I chose to write my own […]

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Identifying Emotions from Text

Written by on February 17, 2019 in Natural Language Processing, Programming, Python with 0 Comments
Identifying Emotions from Text

Identifying the predominant sentiment in unstructured text is used widely these days. There are several REST API services that allow you to submit a piece of text and get back the corresponding sentiment analysis. Meaningcloud, Aylien, Google’s Cloud Natural Language API, and  IBM Natural Language Understanding Service are just a few. Emotion detection, especially from facial […]

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Coreference Resolution in Stanford CoreNLP

Written by on February 10, 2019 in Natural Language Processing, Programming with 0 Comments
Coreference Resolution in Stanford CoreNLP

In the last article, I showed how we can use the neuralcoref library along with spaCy to do coreference resolution (examples involved anaphoric references). In today’s article, I want to try the same (well, almost) examples in Stanford CoreNLP engine and see how they compare. Since CoreNLP is a Java implementation, I chose to write the test […]

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Coreference Resolution Using spaCy

Coreference Resolution Using spaCy

According to Stanford NLP Group, “Coreference resolution is the task of finding all expressions that refer to the same entity in a text”.  You can also read this Wikipedia page. For example, in the sentence “Tom dropped the glass jar by accident and broke it”, what does “it” refer to? I am sure you will […]

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